We're a full service relocation agency serving all of Italy.

about us

Why you should let us guide you...

we are here for you

We know where you're coming from, because we have been there too. Moving to Italy is unlike anything you have done. The process, cultural changes, procedures and lifestyle are all vastly different from your home country. We understand your worry, get your frustration, and are here to make the process safe, easy and fun.

Ciao! I'm Samantha Wilson and I’ve been helping people move to Italy since 2015 and I am completely obsessed with solving problems and making the complicated simple. And moving to Italy is very complicated!

I formed Smart Move Italy Property for you. Along with my perfectly curated collection of the best experts in Italy, I have helped thousands of people, just like you, find their new life in Italy, and I can help you too.


Founder & CEO

Samantha Wilson

Joy is Powerful

we believe

We also believe that you deserve to live your best life and to pursue your dreams without worry and fear.  We know you're taking a risk moving to another country, but we also know how you can do it safely, and with clarity.  It is our job to get you from where you are now, to here, in beautiful Italy.

In people over profit

we believe

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Community Leader


Client Specialist
Residency Expert


Citizenship Expert


Meet the team

Italy Per Te


Citizenship Researcher


Citizenship Researcher
Social Media


Property Specialist


Lawyer, Visa Specialist

Avv. Gulia Romanelli 

Customer Care


Podcast Editor
Social Media


Property Specialist
Sales and Rentals

Avv. Alexandra

Property Specialist
Rentals and Sales


what we value


There is a lot of misinformation out there, and getting the right guidance, from the right people at the right time is critical in your successful move and future new life in Italy.

We will always tell you the truth about what to expect, anticipate and exactly what you need to do.


When you are planning to change your life and move to Italy, you need clarity to make the right decision for you and your family.   Our goal is to reduce the risk, remove the surprises and keep you moving forward with confidence.


We believe that we are always better together, and our community of thousands of people from around the world share the same thing - a deep love for Italy and the desire to life a happier, healthier and more connected life. 

This weeks episode

all episodes

Italian Sunshine, Watermelon and Rest 


Investing in Your Italian Dream


Is your obsession with Italy unhealthy? 

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Favorites From Italy Per Te